Clean Up the World’s Philatelic Document Issued
Mask Fish, the best poster from the 2nd National Poster Competition for Clean Up the World 2000 became an illustration on Commemorative Philatelic Document. The commemorative Philatelic Document issued on Friday, September 21st, 2001 by the chairman of East Java Philatelic Association, Agus Wibawanto.Agus said that the document would be rare because it’s printed only in 500 values.
“The commemorative Philatelic Document for Clean Up the World will be the first Commemorative Philatelic Document with Prisma Stamp in Indonesia,” said Agus.
This philatelic item was supported by PT. Pos Indonesia, Ecophila, Jawa Pos, Bapedalda, Tunas Hijau Club and East Java Provincial of the Scout Movement for Clean Up the World 2001 campaign.
“The activity of Clean Up the World, it is not only just clean the rubbish up, but also environmental campaign that can change human habit and attitude to save the world,” said Warih Wandita Wening, Program Director Tunas Hijau Club. Others philatelic document were printed with message reproduction, signature and official stamp of Governor for East Java province.