Recycle Workshop

Apart from the painting on garbage bin exhibition held yesterday, the Tunas Hijau Club also have a recycling workshop for children. “It’s about using our natural resources optimally, such as by having a workshop in making recycled paper,” Lilis – Tunas Hijau secretary added.

She said that the children have successfully managed themselves in making recycled paper in various colors. They also made some block notes, frames, and ornaments from corn crust. The workshop, which was mostly participated in by students, showed the enthusiasm of the participants in joining every phase of workshop to achieve a better result, said Lilis.

Their enthusiasm in trying to preserve nature was promising, she added. “The workshop participants had to fulfill some requirements before they were accepted to join the workshop,” Lilis said.

The workshop participants were the children who stated that they would always throw garbage in the appropriate place, the garbage bin. They also had to make an assignment project based on the workshop that they had joined, in the form of handicraft and had to participate in an exhibition, she said.