Green Development Will Come to Surabaya
The new mayor of Surabaya, Bambang Dwi Hartono, yesterday made a statement about the city’s future development claiming that the environmental objective will be his priority. He said he also received an international certificate from an international organization, ‘Clean Up the World’ and the United Nations Environmental Program, for his direct involvement and activity to clean up the city from garbage and also air pollution, handed over Mochamad Zamroni, the President of Tunas Hijau Club.
He was also involved with around one hundred and fifty junior high school students from Surabaya and Sidoarjo gathered in Tunas Hijau Club yesterday in an installment program of planting thousands of trees in the city near the Dupak highway gate, yesterday morning.
Bambang, who has been involved in the environmental issues since he was still the vice mayor, said that the city must be green in the future forestation efforts. “These kids, with their environmental knowledge and care, are good seeds for the city’s healthy environment in the future,” he said.
He also said that he wanted to organize all students and citizens for the upcoming city’s birthday in May, in order to install as many as plants as possible to make the city more comfortable with clean air.
Meanwhile, Mochamad Zamroni, the President of Tunas Hijau Club, said that they were installing 1000 trees in two places in the city, near the Dupak highway gate and at Jagir. “Besides acacia, we are also planting mangroves here (at Dupak) in some swampy areas,” Zamroni said.
Due because of the intensive cutting of wood by countries to enhance their income, the United Nation has stated this year should have the theme of mountains in environmental issues.