Recycle Training for Children

Many brooches were displayed on Recycle Training for Children (31/3). There are various in shape; crescent, star, shell, and other figures. Primary and secondary pupils in Surabaya made all of the beautiful things. “The raw material comes from pulp of old newspapers or used papers,” said Lilis Silviana the instructor of this program.

Making brooch from used papers is one of the activities at Recycle Training for Children, which held by Tunas Hijau Club in Kenjeran Beach. This third training joined by 47 pupils. In this activity, Tunas Hijau Club gave a limitation for participants. “We decided to optimize this training by giving limitation so the subject can absorb by them clear and easy. Actually, we offer for 40 kids to join but there are so many children who want to join this routine activity.

Not only brooch made from pulp, kids are also taught to make wall hanging, pencil case, and candleholder from aluminum can. “Remarkable! I will use in my table,” said Andi, one of participants while he is finishing his pencil case. According to Lilis, the Recycle Training for Children has an aim. With this kind of activity, children are invited to do some a good way for used things. In the future, kids will care their environment.

This six hours activity is free of charge but in one condition, the participants have to bring their own tools. “The best works will be showed at International Exhibition of Environmental Artwork on next June in French Cultural Center-Surabaya,” said Lilis.

In the end of training, six pupils got Clean Up the World pin. ”They got it because they have joined the environmental activity more than three times but they have more responsibility to protect and care their environment,” Lilis said.