Visit to Suara Surabaya Media
Fellows Prince and Princess of Environment have visited Suara Surabaya Media Villages, on Saturday, 15 March 2003 at Jl. Wonokitri Besar 40-C Surabaya. In this visit, the children had a chance to know the operational of Suara Surabaya Radio, Mossaik Magazine, and, gave their opinions on how the environment and human behavior.
Suara Surabaya Media has also held workshop on Public Speaking to the children. In this workshop, the children presented their environmental project, than Suara Surabaya Media evaluated on how they should speak to public.
Through this visit, Suara Surabaya Media stated they will always support any environmental campaign held by Fellows Prince and Princess of Environment Tunas Hijau Club and the 2nd Prince and Princess of Environmental Award 2003 as the beginning of Australia Indonesia Children Exchange Programme 2003-2004 between Millennium Kids Australia and Tunas Hijau Club Indonesia.