Essay “If I Were Water & Poster “Water For Life” Competition

TUNAS HIJAU Club has organized Competition of Essay “If I Were Water” & Poster “Water For Life” for young people. The competition held to celebrate World Environment Day 2003 and Water Year 2003. PT. Terminal Petikemas Surabaya is sponsored this program by major sponsor. PT. Jasa Tirta I and Jawa Pos also supported this competition. 

Ainun Qolbi S., student Petemon XIII Surabaya primary school finally decided as the 1st winner on Competition of Writing Environmental Essay “If I Were Water”, that held by TUNAS HIJAU Club to celebrate year 2003 as International Year of Freshwater. In Junior High School category, the 1st winner is Noer Aida from Lekok 1 Pasuruan Junior High School. In Senior High School, the 1st winner is Widhi Vinandhita from Senior High School of 9 Surabaya.

The 2nd winner for primary school is Dian Sari Widadi from Al Hikmah Primary School Surabaya, and Josephine T. from Santa Theresia I Primary School as 3rd winner. The 2nd and 3rd winners in Junior High School category are Elisabeth Ryana from Gloria Junior High School and Andreas also from Gloria Junior High School.

For Competition of Poster “Water for Life”, the 1st winner in primary school category is Evelyn Livia Wijaya from Vita Surabaya Primary School. 2nd winner is Verdi Danutirto from Vincentius East Jakarta Primary School, and the 3rd winner is Melly Samantha from Petra 9 Surabaya Primary School.

In Junior High School category, the 1st winner is Adelina Ivana Dewi from Junior High School of Kudus 1, 2nd winner is Vina from Santo Yusup II Malang Junior High School, and 3rd winner is William Christian from Kolese Kanisius Jakarta Junior High School.

In Senior High School category, 1st winner is Liliana from Santo Albertus Malang Senior High School, 2nd winner is Alexander Januar from Kolese Kanisius Central Jakarta Senior High School, and 3rd winner is Iswanjono from Kasihan 3 Jogja Specialist Senior High School.

Entries must reach of the TUNAS HIJAU Club, Jl. Raya Kertajaya Indah 77 A Surabaya 60116 by September 10, 2003 at the latest. Then, the judging process held on September 30, 2003.

On the latest date, there were 232 essays. It’s 112 essays from primary school, 98 essays from junior high school and 22 essays from senior high school.

In poster competition, there were 220 posters. It’s 89 posters from primary school, 79 posters from junior high school and 52 posters from senior high school. (*)