Princess Nastiti Form Green Team at Schools
Princess of Environment 2003 Nastiti Puspitosari have a great idea to preserve the environment at schools. Princess who student of Junior High School 1 of Surabaya advised to forming Green Team at schools. Team will motivate on how green behavior at each school. Team can also fine some people who throw rubbish in the wrong place. “For the first time, fine is just Rp. 500,-,” Nastiti said when presented the environmental project in front of head teacher of her school, student boards, and some governments representatives, December 18, 2003.
Nastiti said that green behavior must be practice from the simple action. Such as, throw rubbish onto the bin, separate rubbish by organic and an-organic. Also, plant new trees on School Park. “The green team will watch the program. Including, on rubbish management at school,” Nastiti said.
Nastiti admitted ready to forming Green Team. She will ask her friends to join. “Students who aware on the environment could join with this green team,” said Nastiti. “She will do recruitment by brochures. So, there will be many students will join,” said Nastiti.
Then, Tunas Hijau will train them about environmental issues. Such as, separating rubbish, making green space, and also practicing sustainable consumption. “Recruitment will be held as soon as possible,” Nastiti said. (*)