Malang to Pacet by Harshid George
The journey from Malang to Pacet was something that cannot be forgotten easily. The memories are to be cherished always. The journey from Malang to Pacet started at my host family where I was getting ready and packed my dresses. The journey was long and the view by the roadside was good, so I did not get sleepy. We stopped in between to buy some batteries and petrol but continued our journey after that. Our friends Pacul, Tatung and Anang were there to receive at the local tunas hijau office where we were to stay for the next two days. The weather was cool in the evening but it became cold in the night. We had our dinner at sukri’s house. For dinner we had tempe, nasi and sambal with cropo. The family was very welcoming and took care of my tastes. It was very overwhelming to have come here.
The next day our routine started at 6 in the morning. We were to go for hiking to Pundak mountain.The way was disturbed and not tarred at some parts so it was difficult to ride. But it was fun to ride. I enjoyed riding bike at those roads. Our first stop was at Pundak mountain . We parked our bikes and chose the open tracks. It was fun looking for the tracks in the wild. We took many photos and then returned back to tunas hijau office. Near the tunas hijau office there was a family where an old lady was crushing some coffee beans. I helped her out in crushing the coffee beans. I felt well in helping her out in the process. I learned more about homemade coffee powder
We took some rest and then again started for our second part of our journey. The roads were dangerous as there were many sharp turn and the turns were on a hill. So it was kind of a double risk. We stopped at a point where there was hot coming out in between a waterfall. It was called the Padusan hotwater. It was nice to check that out.
Then we went to a place called Putukgedhe camp where there were trees that were used for reforestation purposes. The trees were called mindi trees .I helped the person there who was busy maintaining the mindi trees. After that we came back to the office and took some rest.It wasn’t finished yet, next trip in row was the animal farm. The animals were cow and sheep. Nizam, Tatung, Pacul and me tried our luck on taking some milk from the cow. It was a good experience to have done that.
The view during our journey has greatly impressed me because of the natural greenery around the place. It is not at all hot in the hills here in Pacet because of the large number of trees around. All the trees absorb the harmful green house gases and help to keep the temperature cool. The people here were cordial and understanding. The people’s concern for nature here has impressed me and I would take it as an excellent example for my forthcoming studies on environment in future. Matur nuwun