Upcoming Youth Eco Camp and More

by Pasquelle van der Jagt

After a weekend full of AIESEC stuff it was time again to be do good things at Tunas Hijau; brainstorming over the upcoming Youth-Eco-Camp, having a training about journalist writing, and visit one of the twelve areas in town where Tunas Hijau has replanted trees.

We started the day with a meeting and brainstorm over the Youth-Eco-Camp. On the 22th of June there will be a 4 day during Eco-Camp organized by Tunas Hijau. Around 200 children from different schools on East Java will join this Eco-Camp. The schools of these children are already ‘green’ schools, this means that these schools already are involved in different projects and education about the environment. On the Eco-Camp we will do all kind of activities and workshops with the children to learn them even more about the environment and its problems. The main schedule of the Camp is already finished, we only have to fill in the different workshops. Next Wednesday we’ll meet again to discuss the different activities we brainstormed about.

In the afternoon we had training on the University of Airlangga about writing a (journalist) article. For us this was very useful for the writing of our reports. Mr. Alif gave us good suggestions for the writing, so I hope these reports are very good now of course. Start the report with a short introduction, be clear about what you want to write, be short and direct in your writing (and don’t write a long story about something that also can be said in one sentence), etc etc. It was a useful training and I found it also nice to have a short look in the University of Airlangga.

Afterwards we visited one of the twelve areas in Surabaya where they have replanted trees. In earlier days this was an area next to the river that was full of garbage and rubbish. In 2002 Tunas Hijau planted here a lot of trees and right now it’s a great place with already quite big trees. Very nice. A few years later they also made some murals op the near bridge, this looks very good. In this way Tunas Hijau has more areas in the city of Surabaya where first was rubbish and garbage and what now looks like a nice place with big and green trees.