Go Green ….. Rock The World

By: Abhishek Upadhyay – India

“If you want to 1 year of prosperity, plant corn.
If you want 10 years of prosperity, plant trees.
If you want 100 years of prosperity, educate people.”

Chinese Proverb

Malang- This was there in my mind when I came to Malang, Indonesia on 12 Aug, 09. I was said to work in the Go Green Project. I was happy to be a part of this noble cause, educating people about the importance of Go Green specially the school children who are the future and can play an important role in the improvement of this planet. Every day it was scheduled for me to have a class in school, and to tell them that why it is important for us to Go Green. I was surprised to see the excitement among the children regarding Go Green, it was surely generated by Tunas Hijau Club Indonesia as they were always there to help them with their queries about the environment.

With the help of various activities it was simpler for me to communicate with the students. Activities like Fun games, teaching them how to make fertilizers from waste, how to plant a tree, having a small road show on Ozone day for the knowledge of people of Malang city that we all unintentionally hurting the environment which will sooner or later going to affect us only. With a mimic of ozone on “Ozone day” distributed the hand made pamphlets to the public. I shared my views on the topic like saving water, say no to plastic, recycling with the students and was overwhelmed but the response I got from them. They were having some brilliant ideas regarding Go Green.

I never thought that being a teacher no matter only for 2 months will be such an awesome experience for me. In these past two months I was a teacher, a student, a Go Green activist, and above all an MBA student who was representing INDIA in Indonesia This project was a life time learning experience to me, communicating with children of different school helped me to gain some knowledge about the environment, some of the facts I never knew was told by “my students”. I had a great support from the students, Tunas Hijau Club Indonesia and AIESEC LC UB for completing my project.

Thank You Indonesia

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