Releasing Sea Monkeys in the Mangroves Area
Surabaya- The event on the 23rd of February 2010 was taking place in the mangrove forest close to the Surabaya city where all the local officials and representatives took their necessary part. The predominant sense of this event was to remind that the former species living around this area and, more importantly, the conditions they used to be situated in the not far past need to be kept under any circumstances for their future successful breeding.
Hence, the cage containing monkeys bred in an artificial environment in the city of Madiun was present to be opened and send the message that its former life conditions are to be maintained to a maximum possible extent. All this occasion represents an important role in aforementioned matters above. The brief schedule of this event is as follows:
All representatives gathered at the point where we all shook hands, greeted each other and embarked small boats whereby we were transported to the crux of the matter – the centre of mangrove forests. Whilst being transported I have noticed obvious pieces of evidence of polluted environment along the river and plenty of rubbish at certain places that are apparently easily reachable by random people dumping rubbish.
In direct comparison with the Australian environment regarding mangroves this is just something what would never occur. The reasons behind are surprisingly easy to explain: more strengthened governmental rules and policies that one has to adhere to, public dumping places are strictly forbidden and are subject to heavy punishment and also such places are sponsored heavily by Australian government in order to keep them as green as possible.
After reaching our point of disembarking, we all had a demonstrating tour through mangroves on artificial pathways made of bamboo leading us through some highly polluted areas that need an obvious intervention to clean them up and also some areas that have witnessed significant cleaning processes. As I was told, this issue of polluted mangroves is incrementally improving as opposed to a while ago when this campaign got under its way.
It is vastly pleasant to observe that people are actually aware of the magnitude to keep the environment clean and thus are willing to solve what we humans have done to this area. It reminds me mangroves in Australia and species occupying them. People, irrespective of the reason why they visit mangroves, are vigilantly observed and heavily fined in case of polluting this environment. All these strict rules are resulting in clean environment that is kept for current population as well as for the future one.
When our tour had been over, the cage with artificially bred monkeys arrived. Also, after a while, the most expected person, the mayor of Surabaya, also arrived and was ready to give a speech with regard to what has been occurring to the local mangroves and surrounding areas from the past until these days.
After his speech, all participators enjoyed social activities ranging from interviews, group photos, informal as well as formal chats, feeding monkeys, eating traditional Indonesia food and, most importantly, exchanging valuable contacts. The Surabaya’s mayor was really eager to have a brief chat with me, Martin, and Wenjun, as representatives from the Czech Republic and China who are current students in Australia undertaking internships in Tunas Hijau, Indonesia these days, in terms of how we perceived issues being currently under discussion.
After a few moments, when all activities were over and all participators were ready to embark boats transporting us back to the initial point, we again witnessed the same polluted environment making us think about these issues. After reaching our disembarking point, we all shook our hands and left for our individual weekend activities… All in all, this Saturday was definitely worth it, because witnessing any potential improvements in our environment is always promising and pleases our hopes towards the future.