To Educate Children Along The Riverbank

Surabaya- Since we have quite a busy schedule everyday, today, on Sunday, we had just one activity that was taking place near to our office. We went there to show little kids how to use composters that were donated by the Indonesian government. After our arrival it was impossible not to notice how this area was cluttered with debris, rubbish and other plastic and chemical contamination. Another reason of our visit was to see a number of kids and to play with them, to speak English to them and eventually to teach them some games that we know from our countries. Well, to communicate with kids is difficult, and when you actually realize the language barrier plus age difference, it equals as an impossible job, at least for me as a male.

The most important message, however, was to inform them about just recently installed 30 composters along the riverbank. To demonstrate to them how they can use them and what results can be achieved. They were not really eager to absorb this knowledge, however they showed some signs of interests when it came to pictures.

After this demonstration, we had a short tour through this area. And again, the story is still the same, lots of rubbish, plastic contamination, visible water pollution etc. This area was just very dirty, considering these kids playing around this area and these healthy hazards everywhere, there has to be a strong appeal to these kids, to show them, that this environment they grow up in is not exactly the right thing. This is a long-term process and to reach any adequate solutions is a hard job to accomplish. Therefore this appeal has to be undertaken right from their early childhood.

As we finished quite early today, around 11am, my home stay family organized a little trip for me and my coworker and friend Michael. We set off for a journey to a city close to Surabaya to visit the local Zoo. On the way to this place we witnessed lots of crazy traffic, lots of crazy moto riders overtaking each other under unbelievable conditions and rushing for something from whatever reason. On the way back to Surabaya we dropped by one restaurant to have our dinner. It was a very beautiful restaurant made of very traditional material (bamboo) and also its arrangement was handled very traditionally, which we vastly enjoyed. There is nothing better than to experience a traditional way of doing things, particularly when it comes to food and eating as such.

This day was very nicely spent and I just hope there will be many more of these days to come.

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