Climate Goes To SMP 5, Help Video Conference SDN Kandangan III – Nova Dubnica School Slovakia and Help Protest Bratang Park

Surabaya- SMP 5 was the first stop on my schedule with Tunas Hijau today Friday (25/6). It was the last day of school so all the parents of teh students had gathered to here about their childrens progress. While this was going on the students showed us around the school and all their environmental efforts. We than sat down together and discussed the environmental issues at their school, how they have been working to fix the problems, and what else they would like to have happen at the school. 

Two of the kids spoke really good english and so were able to translate the ideas for me to understand. I was then asked to come up with a project that Tunas Hijau could run with the kids in the weeks to come. I was not really able to give a very satisfactory answer as I did not feel prepared enough to give an adequate answer, but the children did not seem to mind my bumbling attempts at a response.

Following this school visit we went on to another school to facilitate a video conference with a school in Slovakia that runs environmental education classes with their students. Everyone introduced themselves and the children from the school showed via videolink the things they had made out of recycled material. The Slovakian class were not as prepared as the teacher who normally looked after the kids was not there.

The things the students had made from recycled goods were quite innovative and very creative. they had made swans out of hundreds of pieces of folded paper, flower brooches out of corn leaves, and bags out of old soap packaging.

We finished the day with a protest at Brantang park. The police were very helpful in organising the traffic so that the protest could be carried out on the road, so thankyou very much to them. murals were carried from the park and held by protesters in the road, while everyone collectively yelled slogans and chants to the passing traffic. I was unable to get my mouth around the words so ended up yelling randomly in the hope that I would eventually get the words right. There were a number of people from the press there and so hopefully the protest will get a lot of coverage.

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