Kandangan I Elementary School
Surabaya- The second elementary school which I have visited in Surabaya, Monday (21/6). How to say my feeling its damn good. Indonesians are very much interested in maintaining the things clean in school that’s the reason why they are preparing Eco friendly schools. The name of the school is KANDANGAN I elementary school located in some part of Surabaya. First I met teachers working in the school they wished in their style and offered me some Indonesian food and hot tea. I am thankful to them to offer me some food. Next I met the head master of the school, she’s very kind to me.
After that I went to a class to give power point presentation about Biodiversity to the children of that school. By seeing me children started shouting like my name is this that and so on. I personally know how to deal children. So I kind of said Hi to them to make them understand that I am a kind type of person. Their teacher introduced me to them. As usual I started with a game to get some concentration in them. And it’s a simple STAND & SIT game. Many kids are excited to play that game and I told that who wins or answers to my questions will get a surprise gift. The gift is a environment sticker from AIESEC.
As usual I started asking them the meaning of BIODIVERSITY and started my presentation. After the end of the presentation the kids can tell the meaning of diversity and gave them the stickers. After the presentation they want a picture with me and everybody is like pushing each other to get a picture and took my autograph.OMG I got excited again. Its like I am a celebrity for them.